Systemizing Your Learning

I find that so many people are constantly looking for the next shiny object or the next book to read that gives away all of the secrets.

I’ve always believed that mentors come in all forms and that instead of reading random books, reading everything someone has written will teach you more about their minds and what made them successful than anything.

I also stand by the fact that nothing that I teach here is brand new — everything has been modeled after these mentors, I just figured out how to implement it in real estate, packaged it and made it easy to implement for you guys so you don’t have to go read all of this and figure out how to make it work.

All of these authors do a great job of making complicated concepts really simple and they use tons of simple visuals to help drive their frameworks home.

(It’s also worth mentioning that all of these are men. I wish there were more women who wrote series like these and would love to find incredible women who have).


Russell started online marketing as a kid and started making his millions in college. He then went on to build ClickFunnels to give other people the ability to generate income the way that he did and built the company from $0 to $100M in 3 years. His approach to marketing is innovative and insanely profitable.


Ray is a self-made hedge fund billionaire. He’s made his decisions based on data and algorithms before either of them were sexy. His first book, Principles, is all about his philosophy in life and leadership. The other two teach his economic philosophies. I started reading his books because I wanted to be more educated in my perspective on the market and how to communicate with clients.


Jeb takes a modern and authentic approach to marketing. He writes in such a conversational tone and his philosophies are things that are extremely intuitive but breaks them down into actionable concepts.


Mike wrote Clockwork and Profit First. Like many of the other authors mentioned here, his teaching style is very conversational and uses simple graphics to explain his concepts. Profit First was a game changer for me. John represents building a scalable business and having an exit plan. He wrote “The Automatic Customer” and “Built To Sell”.


This one is going to lead to some controversy but Robert Greene’s books have been so insightful. He wrote 48 Laws of Power, 33 Strategies of War, The Art of Seduction, The Laws of Human Nature and Mastery. His books really do talk about the dark side of humanity and the characteristics that make them work. I enjoy reading them because it helps me identify when people use these tactics and how to maneuver around them. Overall, I’ve found that reading them has made me a better negotiator.

Also, honorable mention here for a book called “Trust Me, I’m Lying” written by a media manipulator. Just a warning here — you’ll never trust anyone again.


I mean, I don’t think this one needs a lot of explanation. I feel like Robert Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad, Poor Dad series really changed the game in personal finance and teaching people a better way than the rat race.


Does this really need an explanation? Gary Keller is basically the OG and godfather of modern real estate.

While I’ve read tons of other books, these are the authors I find myself referring back to often and read anything the write.

I literally own every single one of the books these authors have written and some of them, I have in both Audible and paperback. I even have the pocket version of some of these to reference quickly.

So my advice to you is this…

Stop looking for new books to read and instead, focus on deciding which area of your life (or business) you want to upgrade and then study the mind of the expert in that area.

I promise you’ll actually enjoy reading that way because you will start implementing right away… and once you start seeing results, this approach to learning becomes addictive.