3 Reasons You Should Have An Intake System

So, as you may have heard, we made it a wholeeeee lot easier to incorporate your intake system into your site.

I think it’s important to break down why I’m so obnxiously passionate about this process so here’s 3 reasons why you need it:


Firstly, the best part about having an intake system is the fact that because there’s so much social proof throughout, your clients will NEVER ask you how long you’ve been selling real estate, how many houses you’ve sold and very rarely will you end up competing with other agents. You having an intake system will show them that you run your business like a business and for that, they will also be less likely to ask for commission credits.

Plus, this process feels very similar to other experiences they have with professionals like when they go to the doctors office, if they’ve ever worked with an attorney and more. That alone changes their whole perception of agents.


Gary Keller has said it before and I’ll say it again here – our clients don’t want us on demand. They want information on demand. The intake process gives them exactly that. Each step of the process triggers an emotional reaction in them that helps them qualify themselves so that by the time they get to you, your actual consult is just addressing their specific questions and will take less than 30 minutes. Here’s how we trigger the emotions:

  1. Schedule Consult: This gives them an actual deadline to get their homework done. That means they can’t procrastinate watching the workshop, completing the intake form or getting prequalified. They’ll move along just because they have a deadline.
  2. Complete Intake Form: They start solidifying what they want and it shows that you genuinely care about what’s important to them. The questions force them to think about what’s important to them and start prioritizing their wants and needs so it’s no longer “I don’t know what I want” or “I’m not picky”.
  3. Watch Workshop: Their biggest fear is making a huge mistake. During this workshop, you’re answering the questions they didn’t even think to ask yet and then backing it up with more social proof. In essence, you’re building rapport because they’re hearing your voice and then getting to know you personally.
  4. Attend Consult: By this time, they’re excited about the process and have gotten rid of most of the anxiety. Here, you’re just figuring out their exact timeframe and answering any questions that are unique to them.


Lastly, by implementing this process, you’re prepping your business for scale. This process makes it easier for you to incorporate a VA and/or showing agent, as well as hand off your buyer business to another agent and feel confident knowing they’ll do the process exactly like you.

With that in mind, if you haven’t already grabbed your new site, make sure you log into your account and access it from Systems 1.

We’re going to be uploading the tutorials and revamping the Systems 1 Anticlass (it will be called Real Estate Funnels) and it’ll make your life a whole lot easier.

Go here to get started  alexarosario.com/systems1

*If you already purchased Systems 1, you can login here: alexarosario.com/login and if you can’t remember your password, you can request a new one.